NDBA Events ... in person! - North Dakota Bankers Association (2024)

A publication for members of the North Dakota Bankers Association.1 Volume 21 • Issue 6 June 24, 2021 NDBA Events ... in person! NDBA • PO Box 1438, Bismarck, ND 58502-1438 • Ph: 701.223.5303 • Fax: 701.258.0218 • Email: ndba@ndba.com • www.ndba.com

Upcoming NDBA EventsJULY 2021 AUGUST 2021 SEPTEMBER 2021 July 2021S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 18-30 Graduate School of Banking at Colorado - Boulder 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 In-person or virtual4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 August 202111 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1-13 GSB 2021 Graduate School of Banking - University of Wisconsin - Madison - Virtual18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 September 202125 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 13-16 NDBA Group Meetings - Grand Forks, Fargo, Bismarck, Minot February 2022OCTOBER 2021 NOVEMBER 2021 DECEMBER 2021 18-19 Bank Management Conference -S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S Westin Kierland, Scottsdale, AZ 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 43 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 1110 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 1817 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 2524 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 3131JANUARY 2022 FEBRUARY 2022 MARCH 2022S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 52 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 129 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 1916 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 2623 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 27 28 29 3030 31 2

CoNTeNTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE22 38 CHAIRMAN Jolene Muscha CHAIRMAN-ELECT Christie Obenauer TREASURER Kathy Torske The Union Bank of Union State Bank American Trust Center Glen Ullin Hazen Bismarck NDBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Deneen Axtman Brian L. Johnson Kelly Rachel Cornerstone Bank Choice Bank Unison Bank Fargo Grand Forks Jamestown30 48 Judd Graham Bremer Bank Jay Lies Choice Bank Kim Settel Gate City Bank Fargo Fargo FargoFEATURES Todd Heilman Pat Lorenson Todd Steinwand13 Washington Update: Time’s Up: Congress Must Stop Western State Bank Ramsey National Bank Bank of North Dakota Devils Lake Fargo Bismarck Credit Union Purchases of Taxpaying Banks19 NDBA Compliance School Offers Comprehensive Ryan Hertz Brad Miller Lee Weisbeck Dacotah Bank First State Bank of Cando Starion Bank Training Minot Cando Mandan22 Quad States Convention Recap Pete Jahner28 Thank You NDBA Associate Members - We Kirkwood Bank and Trust Bismarck Appreciate You!30 Class of 2021 Graduates from Dakota School of Banking NDBA SERVICES, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS34 NDBA Services Endorses Bankers Healthcare Group CHAIR37 NDBanks Benefit Trust Introduces Hays Companies Jeremy Skoglund Darren Haugen Bernie Sinner Bank of North Dakota Starion Bank BankNorth38 Live Well, Work Well: Outdoor Exercise Safety Tips Bismarck Mandan Casselton44 Municipal Credit Update: 2020 Financial Lois Bednar Kelly Hoeven Jeff Weiler Performance Better Than Expected Bank Forward Bank of Glen Ullin Bank of North Dakota Fargo Glen Ullin Bismarck48 Mortgage Borrowers Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic 2021 and Onward Duane Bowman Jamie Nelson Dakota Western Bank McLean Bank Holding Company Bowman WashburnIN EVERY ISSUE2 Calendar of Events3 NDBA Directors & Staff4 Articles NDBA STAFF Rick Clayburgh Lisa Dolajak Ann Reich14 NDBA Education Events & Webinars President and CEO Communications and SVP of Strategic Partnerships50 Happenings rick@ndba.com Marketing Coordinator lisa@ndba.com ann@ndba.com Jackie Bauer53 Banker Classifieds Business and Database Jolene German NDBA GENERAL Coordinator Administrative Assistant COUNSEL jackie@ndba.com jolene@ndba.com Tracy KennedyMission Statement Angi Day Dorothy Lick tracy@ndba.com Benefits Coordinator SVP of Education angi@ndba.com dorothy@ndba.comExtraordinary Leadership for North Dakota Banks 3

BANKING ARTICLESJuneteenth Holiday Enacted issued after consultation with the other FIRREA regulators and the Conference of State Bank Supervisors to ensure consistency ofPresident Biden signed legislation designating June 19th as a interpretation for all regulated entities.”federal holiday, known as Juneteenth. The official holiday fallson a Saturday this year, and the federal government observedthe holiday this past Friday, June 18. This recent creation of an FDIC Votes Not to Raiseadditional federal holiday has raised compliance questions for Assessmentsissues which refer to a “business day.” For example, Regulation The FDIC board has voted not to raise deposit insuranceZ contains provisions for mortgage loans related to rescission assessments on banks in order to recapitalize its insurance fund.periods, as well as the timing of disclosures and closings for loans Instead, the FDIC will continue monitoring the situation, assubject to TRID. FDIC staff expect the pandemic-related surge in deposits duringTiming requirements specified in regulations may require banks 2020 that caused the Deposit Insurance Fund reserve ratio to fallto make changes to disclosures and waiting periods, if the timing below its statutory minimum of 1.35% even as the DIF reached ais related to a definition of “business day” that includes holidays. record level of $119 billion.Because of the short notice of the holiday and lack of guidance, The FDIC is required under law to implement a plan tobanks should exercise caution in how they proceed. Violations of recapitalize the DIF within eight years when it falls below itsRegulation Z, as well as private causes of action could result from minimum, which normally involves raising the assessmentsmishandling of date calculations. Banks who are faced with these schedules. While the ratio declined from 1.38% in March 2020questions should use caution, consult with legal counsel, and to 1.3% last June, “the growth in insured deposits associateddocument the actions taken. with the pandemic may recede as depositor behavior returns toThe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a normal and individuals and businesses redirect deposits towardstatement late Friday night on mortgage closing delays that might consumption and higher-yielding investments,” the FDIC staffhave been caused by the abrupt enactment of the new Juneteenth memo said.federal holiday. The board decision recognized that the banking sector remains“The CFPB recognizes that some lenders did not have sufficient strong, FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams noted, “with robusttime after the Federal holiday declaration to consider whether levels of capital and liquidity, after serving as a source of strengthand how to adjust closing timelines. The CFPB understands that throughout the pandemic last year.”some lenders may delay closings to accommodate the reissuance of To read more: https://www.fdic.gov/news/board/2021/2021-06-15-disclosures adjusted for the new Federal holiday,” said CFPB Acting notice-dis-a-mem.pdfDirector Dave Uejio. “The CFPB notes that the TILA and TRIDrequirements generally protect creditors from liability for bona fideerrors and permit redisclosure after closing to correct errors.” OSHA Updates Guidance for Non-Director Uejio appeared to signal that additional guidance may Healthcare Industriesbe forthcoming, noting in his statement that “any guidance The Occupational Safety and Health Administration updated itsultimately issued by the CFPB would take into account the guidance on mitigating and preventing the spread of COVID-19limited implementation period before the holiday and would be in the workplace. The guidance, which tracks pronouncements of 4

aRTiCLeSthe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is not a standard That trend is expected to continue, with about 88% of surveyor regulation, and creates no new legal obligations. respondents who reported using their mobile apps more frequently during COVID-19 saying that they anticipateThe guidance states that “most employers no longer need to continuing or increasing current usage levels once the pandemictake steps to protect their fully vaccinated workers who are not officially ends.otherwise at-risk from COVID-19 exposure.” The guidance addsthat, where all employees are fully vaccinated and workers are not Younger generations were more likely to reduce branch visitat-risk or immunocompromised, employers no longer need to frequency than older generations, according to the survey, and thetake steps to protect their workers from COVID-19 exposure. proportion of younger consumers using their mobile apps more frequently was above 50%, while the percentage of baby boomersOSHA’s guidance suggests that unvaccinated customers, and seniors leaning more heavily on mobile apps during thevisitors or guests wear face coverings, especially in public-facing pandemic was closer to 40%.workplaces such as retail establishments. The most popular mobile app feature for new users was photoTo read the guidance, visit: https://www.osha.gov/coronavirus/ check deposit, used for the first time since the pandemic begansafework by 24% of survey respondents, followed by account-to-account money transfer, bill payment and peer-to-peer payments, all usedFDIC Proposes to Align Real Estate by more than 20% for the first time during the pandemic.Lending Standards with CBLR To read more visit: https://cdn.roxhillmedia.com/production/The FDIC has proposed changes to its guidelines for real estate email/attachment/870001_880000/73b1556e611ca8f0f3018dce5fe9elending policies in order to align standards with the community 1157c8e6fcf.pdfbank leverage ratio, which does not require electing institutions tocalculate tier 2 capital or total capital. FDIC Announces Tech CompetitionAccording to the FDIC, the proposed rule would allow “aconsistent approach for calculating the ratio of loans in excess to Reach Unbankedof the supervisory loan-to-value limits at all FDIC-supervised The FDIC announced a competition for companies to exploreinstitutions, using a methodology that approximates the new technologies for banks that will meet the needs of unbankedhistorical methodology the FDIC has followed for calculating individuals. The “tech sprint” asks participants to identify betterthis measurement without requiring institutions to calculate tier tools to help banks get unbanked households into the banking2 capital.” The agency said the new rule also would avoid any system and keep them banked. The FDIC is inviting banks,regulatory burden that could arise if an FDIC-supervised bank nonprofit organizations, academic institutions and private sectordecides to switch between different capital frameworks. companies to participate.In addition, the proposal would ensure that the FDIC’s regulation Organizations will have two weeks to submit applicationsregarding supervisory LTV limits is consistent with how examiners requesting participation, after a review of submissions, the FDICcalculate credit concentrations, as directed by a statement issued will invite a select number of teams to participate. Selected teamslast year that examiners will use tier 1 capital plus the appropriate will have three weeks to work on their proposed solution andallowance for credit losses as the denominator when calculating then the FDIC will host a demo day, inviting teams to makecredit concentrations. Comments are due 30 days after the short presentations to a panel of experts who will evaluate theircomment is published in the Federal Register. submission.To read the proposed rule, visit: https://www.fdic.gov/news/ To read more visit: https://www.fdic.gov/news/press-board/2021/2021-06-15-notice-sum-c-fr.pdf releases/2021/pr21053.htmlPandemic Drove Increase in Basel Committee IssuesMobile Banking, Decline in Branch Consultation Document onTraffic CryptocurrencyA recent survey of mobile banking customers by S&P GlobalMarket Intelligence found that about 51% of respondents said As banks increasingly explore or embark on activities related tothat they were visiting bank branches less frequently due to the cryptocurrencies, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervisionpandemic. Of those, more than 65% said they were also using has launched a public consultation on the prudential treatmentmobile apps more frequently. of banks’ cryptocurrency asset exposures. The document is the next step in an ongoing process to solicit feedback from external 5

aRTiCLeSstakeholders. This initial consultation follows a discussion response, encryption, and a “skilled, empowered security team”paper published in December 2019, and the committee said that can rapidly patch, share and act on threat information.it anticipates issuing additional consultations, given the rapid In addition to these best practices, the White House said,evolution of the crypto market. corporations should also back up their data, system images and“While banks’ exposures to cryptoassets are currently limited, configuration, regularly test them, and keep the backups offline;the continued growth and innovation in cryptoassets and related update and patch systems promptly; test their incident responseservices, coupled with the heightened interest of some banks, plan; use a third-party to test the firm’s security systems; andcould increase global financial stability concerns and risks to segmenting the firm’s networks to ensure business continuity inthe banking system in the absence of a specified prudential the event of a cyber attack.treatment,” according to the committee. “The private sector . . . has a critical responsibility to protectThe proposal divides cryptoassets into two broad groups. The first against these threats,” said the letter to business leaders. “Allgroup fulfills a set of classification conditions and is eligible for organizations must recognize that no company is safe from beingtreatment under the Basel framework with some modifications targeted by ransomware, regardless of size or location. . . . [W]and additional guidance, including certain tokenized traditional e urge you to take ransomware crime seriously and ensure yourassets and stablecoins. The second category includes assets such corporate cyber defenses match the threat.”as bitcoin that do not fulfill the classification conditions. Because To read more visit: https://assets.documentcloud.org/the second group poses higher risks, according to BCBS, they documents/20796933/memo-what-we-urge-you-to-do-to-protect-would be subject to a “new conservative” prudential treatment. against-the-threat-of-ransomware17.pdfCentral bank digital currencies are not within the scope of theconsultation. Feedback is due by Sept. 10. CFPB Issues FAQs on ElectronicTo read more visit: https://www.bis.org/bcbs/publ/d519.htm Fund Transfer Act, Reg ECFPB to Restart Military Lending The CFPB has released a set of frequently asked questions that address the unauthorized transfer and error resolution provisionsAct Supervision under the Electronic Fund Transfer Act and Regulation E. TheIn a reversal of existing policy, the Consumer Financial Protection FAQs also address situations when a consumer is fraudulentlyBureau has issued an interpretive rule stating that it has statutory induced by a third party to provide their account information orauthority to conduct Military Lending Act supervision activities, private network rules conflict with the regulation.and signaled that it will resume MLA examinations. The To view the FAQs, visit: https://www.consumerfinance.gov/interpretive rule takes effect upon publication in the Federal compliance/compliance-resources/deposit-accounts-resources/Register. electronic-fund-transfers/electronic-fund-transfers-faqs/The CFPB had previously discontinued MLA-relatedexamination activities on the grounds that Congress had not Freddie Announces New Cap forexpressly granted the authority to conduct such examinations. Purchase of Certain Single-FamilyTo read more visit: https://files.consumerfinance.gov/f/documents/cfpb_risks-active-duty-servicemembers-covered- Homesdependents_final-rule_2021-06.pdf Freddie Mac has announced plans to cap its purchase of single- family mortgages secured by investment properties and secondAdministration Calls for Private homes to comply with recent changes to the stock purchase agreement governing the GSE’s federal conservatorship.Sector Action to Combat For the month of July, for sellers that sell more than five loansRansomware Attacks secured by second homes and/or investment properties in aWith ransomware attacks on the rise, the Biden administration month, such loans may not exceed 6.5% of their total monthlyis calling on corporations to take several “highly impactful unpaid principal balance. After July, the cap will be set at 6%.steps” to help address these “serious” and “increasing” threats. Freddie noted that any loans submitted after the cap is exceededThose steps include implementing the five best practices from and subsequently found to be ineligible will be subject toPresident Biden’s recent executive order on improving the nation’s remedies including – but not limited to – repurchase. Freddiecybersecurity: multifactor authentication, endpoint detection and noted that the cap “is intended to be temporary and may be 6

aRTiCLeSrevised as needed.” The GSE also issued a set of frequently asked The EEOC also stated that if an employee chooses not to receivequestions on the cap. a COVID-19 vaccination due to pregnancy, the employer must ensure that the employee is not discriminated against comparedTo read more visit: https://guide.freddiemac.com/app/guide/ to other employees similar in their ability (or inability) to work.bulletin/2021-21 To view the EEOC’s Q&As, visit: https://www.eeoc.gov/wysk/To read view the FAQs, visit: https://sf.freddiemac.com/faqs/sales-cap-on-second-home-and-investment-property-mortgages-faq what-you-should-know-about-covid-19-and-ada-rehabilitation-act- and-other-eeo-lawsBeige Book: Economy Expanding Fed Proposes Changes to Reg J toat Moderate Pace Accommodate FedNowEconomic activity expanded at a moderate pace from early Aprilto late May, at a somewhat faster rate than the prior reporting The Federal Reserve is proposing to create a new subpart ofperiod as consumer spending strengthened due in part to increased Regulation J that would provide a “comprehensive set of rules”COVID-19 vaccinations, according to the Federal Reserve’s fourth to govern funds transfers made through FedNow, the real-timeBeige Book release of the year. The report was based on information payments network the Fed is developing.collected through May 25. The new subpart, Subpart C, would specify terms and conditionsWage growth was moderate with a growing number of firms offering under which reserve banks will process funds transfers, andsigning bonuses and increased starting wages to attract and retain grants the reserve banks authority to issue an operating circularworkers. Contacts told the Fed they expect that labor demand will for the FedNow service. Also included in Subpart C would beremain strong, but supply constrained, in the months ahead. a requirement for a FedNow participant that is the beneficiary’s bank to make funds available to the beneficiary immediately afterLending volumes increased modestly, with gains in both household it has accepted the payment order over the service.and business loans, and demand for professional and businessservices increased moderately. Factory output increased even as The proposal also includes changes and clarifications to Subpartsignificant supply chain challenges continued to disrupt production. B of Reg J – which governs the Fedwire Funds Service – to reflectManufacturers reported that widespread shortages of materials and that the reserve banks will be operating a second funds transferlabor along with delivery delays made it difficult to get products to service in addition to Fedwire, along with technical changes tocustomers. Subpart A, which governs check service. Comments on the proposal are due 60 days after publication inTo read more, visit: https://www.federalreserve.gov/ the Federal Register.monetarypolicy/beigebook202106.htm To read more, visit: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/ pressreleases/files/other20210601a1.pdfEEOC Updates VaccinationGuidance Fed Issues Final Rule AmendingThe Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has updated Regulation Dits technical assistance question-and-answer document toconfirm that a bank or other employer may offer an incentive to The Federal Reserve has issued a final rule amending Regulationemployees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. If the employer D, which addresses reserve requirements of depositoryis administering the vaccine, the incentive may not be “so institutions. The rule eliminates references to an “interest onsubstantial as to be coercive.” required reserves” rate and to an “interest on excess reserves rate,” replacing them with a reference to a single “interest on reserveThe EEOC also confirmed that, under the Americans with balances” rate.Disabilities Act, an employer may inquire about or requestdocumentation or other confirmation that an employee obtained In the final rule, the Fed also simplified the formula used toa COVID-19 vaccine. In addition, the EEOC stated that an calculate the amount of interest paid on balances maintained byimmunocompromised employee who is fully vaccinated for or on behalf of eligible institutions in master accounts at FederalCOVID-19 may be eligible for a reasonable accommodation because Reserve Banks. The final rule takes effect on July 29.of a continuing concern that he or she faces a heightened risk of To view the final rule, visit: https://www.federalreserve.gov/severe illness from a COVID-19 infection, despite being vaccinated. newsevents/pressreleases/bcreg20210602a.htm 7

aRTiCLeSFDIC Summary of Deposits The second set of changes – which were proposed in February – address the exclusion of sweep deposits and certain other depositsSurvey Deadline Is July 31 from reporting as brokered deposits. These changes will take effectThe FDIC is reminding banks that July 31 is the deadline for with the Sept. 30, 2021, report date.submitting the annual Summary of Deposits Survey for the To read more, visit: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-branch offices of all FDIC-insured commercial banks, including 2021-05-24/pdf/2021-10853.pdfinsured U.S. branch offices of foreign banks. Institutions withonly a main office are exempt. No filing exemptions will begranted, the agency said. OCC Highlights LIBOR, ClimateTo read more, visit: https://www.fdic.gov/news/financial- Change as Risk Prioritiesinstitution-letters/2021/fil21038.html The transition away from LIBOR remains a priority area for supervision. “OCC banks are making very strong progress onCramer, Kennedy Introduce ‘Fair LIBOR cessation and replacement,” said an OCC official, who added that “we want banks to select a replacement rate or ratesAccess’ to Financial Services that fit their business, their customer base and their risk profile,Sens. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) and John Kennedy (R-La.) have provided that replacement rate is IOSCO-compliant” andintroduced the No Red and Blue Banks Act, which would approved through an appropriate internal process.prohibit the General Services Administration from “awarding The Semiannual Risk Perspective raised the issue of climatecontracts to certain insured depository institutions that avoid change for the first time, an OCC official said. “Banks maydoing business with certain companies that are engaged in lawful face risk relative to climate change through physical conditionscommerce based solely on social policy considerations.” This or transitions in the economy,” the report noted. “Accordingly,restriction would only apply to contracts awarded after the bill in common with other supervisors, the OCC is developing itstakes effect. knowledge of the risks in this area by engaging with relevantTo read more, visit: https://www.cramer.senate.gov/news/press- stakeholders.” Acting Comptroller Michael Hsu – who joinedreleases/sens-cramer-kennedy-introduces-legislation-to-stop-banks- the OCC from the Fed earlier in May – told media that hasfrom-discriminating-against-american-businesses-based-on-politics asked OCC staff to explore joining the Fed as a member the Network for Greening the Financial System, a global group of bank supervisors and central banks focused on climate riskFDIC's Consumer News Focuses management.on Setting Financial Goals To read more, visit: https://occ.gov/publications-and-resources/ publications/semiannual-risk-perspective/files/pub-semiannual-risk-The newest issue of the FDIC's Consumer News publication perspective-spring-2021.pdffocuses on setting new financial goals. The article includesresources for paying down debt, information on starting a savingsaccount and how to proactively protect personal informationincluding credit cards and bank account numbers. President Signs Executive Order on Climate-Related FinancialTo read more, visit: https://www.fdic.gov/resources/consumers/consumer-news/2021-05.html Risk President Biden has signed an executive order on climate-related financial risk that, among other things, directs financial regulatorsFFIEC Finalizes Call Report to take several steps to ensure the appropriate measurement andChanges mitigation of these risks. The order directs the treasury secretary to work with the members of the Financial Stability OversightThe Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council has Council to consider “assessing, in a detailed and comprehensivefinalized several changes to the Call Report. manner, the climate-related financial risk, including both physicalThe first set of changes – which were proposed last December and transition risks, to the financial stability of the federal– will allow the FDIC to implement recently proposed government and the stability of the U.S. financial system,” asamendments to address the temporary deposit insurance well as facilitating the sharing of climate-related risk informationassessment effects resulting from the CECL transition. These between FSOC member agencies and other areas of the federalchanges will take effect with the June 30, 2021, report date. government as needed. 8

aRTiCLeSIn addition, Treasury must issue a report within 180 days on Federal Reserve to Explorecurrent efforts by the financial regulatory agencies to incorporateclimate-related financial risk into their policies and programs. Central Bank Digital CurrencyThat report should include recommendations on how “identified The Federal Reserve plans to publish this summer a discussionclimate-related financial risks can be mitigated, including through paper exploring the implications of issuing a U.S. central banknew or revised regulatory standards as appropriate,” according to digital currency, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said inthe order. This action by the Biden administration comes after a statement.officials from the Federal Reserve, OCC, FDIC and SEC inrecent weeks have all indicated that they are focusing efforts on The paper will complement Federal Reserve research that isclimate related financial risks. already underway to understand how a central bank digital currency could improve the domestic payments system in servingThe executive order also directs the secretary of labor to take the needs of households and businesses. “The design of a CBDCcertain actions to address climate-related financial risks that could would raise important monetary policy, financial stability,affect retirement savings and pension funds. Among other things, consumer protection, legal and privacy considerations and willthe Labor Department should “consider publishing by September require careful thought and analysis – including input from the2021” proposals to “suspend, revise or rescind” the Trump public and elected officials,” Powell said.administration’s finalized rules on ESG investing and proxyvoting. DOL already has suspended enforcement of these rules Powell added that the Fed is also undertaking more technicallyand is in the process of re-examining them for revision. oriented projects focused on specific tools and infrastructure of new digital payments mechanisms.To read view the order, visit: https://www.whitehouse.gov/ To read more, visit: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/05/20/executive-order-on-climate-related-financial-risk/ pressreleases/other20210520b.htmFed Proposes Changes to Durbin Fed Survey: Even AmidAmendment Network Provisions Pandemic, Unbanked Share DipsThe Federal Reserve has issued a proposed rule reopening the The share of unbanked American adults dipped to 5% inDurbin Amendment provisions in Regulation II. The proposal 2020, according to the Federal Reserve’s annual Report on themandates that the requirement that debit card transactions can be Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households. The figure was downprocessed on at least two unaffiliated payment card networks to from 8% in 2015 and 6% in 2019. Based on a survey fielded incard-not-present transactions, which have grown from 10 percent late 2020, the report showed the share of adults considered “fullyof debit purchases in 2009 to 23 percent in 2019. banked”—that is, who had a bank account and also did not use aAccording to the Fed proposal, when Reg II was first issued, number of nonbank financial alternatives—rose to 81% in 2020.“the market had not developed solutions to broadly support The survey also saw savings practices hold steady in the aggregate.multiple networks over which merchants could choose to route Sixty-four percent (up 14 points from 2013) said they could cover[CNP] transactions.” The proposal notes that technology has a $400 emergency expense in cash. The figure reached as highsince evolved to address these issues. The proposal also clarifies as 70% in surveys fielded in July 2020, when many had receivedthat the debit card issuer is responsible for ensuring at least two EIPs, enhanced unemployment or other relief funds. The surveyunaffiliated networks have been enabled and standardizes and found that 26% of non-retired respondents reported having noclarifies certain terms and phrases in the Fed’s Reg II commentary. retirement savings or pension, the same as in 2019 but markingComments are due 60 days after the rule is published in the progress from previous years.Federal Register. Overall, the share of Americans reporting that they were worse offNDBA is opposed to any efforts to reopen the Durbin financially from a year before shot up 10 points to 24% in 2020.Amendment rulemaking. To view the survey, visit: https://www.federalreserve.To read more, visit: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/ gov/publications/files/2020-report-economic-well-being-us-pressreleases/bcreg20210507a.htm households-202105.pdf 9

aRTiCLeSFed Extends Rule Allowing Under the CRA, resolutions receiving simple majority votes in the House and Senate and are signed by the president overturnDirectors, Shareholders to Apply regulations finalized within the previous 60 days that Congressfor PPP Loans is in session. CRA resolutions also prohibit the agency that promulgated the rule from issuing a substantially similar one inThe Federal Reserve said it would extend a temporary exemption the future.from Regulation O to allow bank directors and shareholders toreceive Paycheck Protection Program loans from their related The industry has expressed concerns with the True Lender rule;banks. Reg O generally limits lending activity to bank directors, however, repealing it could eliminate legal certainty for borrowers,shareholders, officers and businesses owned by these persons. lenders and investors and leave the interpretation up to courts in various jurisdictions. The CRA resolution now moves to theThe exception – which applies only to PPP loans – will be House for consideration.extended through June 30, 2021. The Fed also noted that the rulechange “will continue to apply if the PPP is extended, with thechange ultimately sunsetting on March 31, 2022.” FDIC Solicits Feedback on Banks’The Fed added that any PPP loans extended to bank directors and Digital Asset Activitiesshareholders must conform to SBA’s guidance, which states thatthe eligible business must follow the same process as any similarly The FDIC is looking for feedback on insured depositorysituated customer or account holder and must not receive institutions’ current and potential digital asset activities.favoritism from the bank. According to the agency request for information (RFI), there are “novel and unique considerations” related to digital assets – oftenTo read more, visit: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/ called digital currency or cryptocurrency – and “given that bankspressreleases/files/bcreg20210514a1.pdf are increasingly exploring the emerging digital asset ecosystem,” information gathered will help inform FDIC’s understanding of industry and consumer interests.Senate Approves ResolutionRepealing OCC “True Lender” “At the FDIC, we are laying the foundation for the next chapter of banking by ensuring we have a regulatory framework thatRule allows responsible innovation to flourish,” said FDIC ChairmanThe US Senate voted 52 to 47 in favor of a Congressional Jelena McWilliams. “Digital assets is one area in which we haveReview Act (CRA) resolution that would repeal the Office of the seen rapid expansion and innovation in recent years. This RFIComptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) “true lender” rule. The gives us an opportunity to gain additional insight into the market,rule, which the OCC finalized late last year, establishes a test to and what role banks might play in the future.” Comments aredetermine when a bank is considered the true lender on a loan open 60 days from publication in the Federal Register.made in a partnership with a nonbank firm. To view the RFI, visit: https://www.fdic.gov/news/press- releases/2021/pr21046a.pdf 10
NDBA-ICBND-Full-Page-Ad-Thank-Eric-ol.pdf 1 5/21/2021 2:04:29 PM C M YCM CongratsEricMYCYCMY After 35 years of service to the state of North Dakota, Eric Hardmeyer is retiring as K president/CEO of Bank of North Dakota on July 6, 2021. Join us in recognizing him for an incredible career. Share your memories and thoughts of appreciation for the impact he has made on the state of North Dakota bnd.nd.gov/thankeric 11
CHaiRMaN’S CORNER Jolene Muscha | NDBA CHAIRMAN | The Union Bank of Glen UllinThe convention has the feeling of a family reunion so let’s celebrate! I’d like to propose a toast:To the bankers who came before us: they set the path for all of us to be good stewards of ourcommunities’ funds. They taught us that a bank is the great connector, bringing projects and investorstogether for the benefit of everyone.To all of us here now: it is up to us to make a difference for our communities by ensuring that allindividuals and businesses are afforded the chance to succeed.AND to all who come after us: you will be the ones to take up the torch to keep communities thrivingby providing the investment for others to start a new business, buy a house, and send kids to college.To all of us…Cheers!Next up on the family reunion agenda…a rehash of what we’ve been up to.It was Albert Einstein who said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” And what an opportunitywe were given. The government said, “Paycheck Protection Program” and we answered the call.We may have taken a black eye from 2008-2011, but in 2020, we were instrumental in getting PPPfunds to businesses most in need. Who else but banks could respond that quickly (and for the mostpart efficiently – okay definitely more efficient the second time around)? SBA said “HEY” and we said“OKAY.”It was also an opportunity NDBA grabbed with both hands: Rick, Ann, Dorothy, Jackie, Angie, Lisa andJolene stepped in to keep us all on track. Rick jumped in the engineer’s seat on the PPP train to ensureall bankers hopped on and off without getting missed, lost, or just plain run over. He and his team sawto it that none of us ever lost an opportunity to keep our communities afloat. From creatively makingsure education was always available, to the continued pursuit of vendors to partner with banks in allservice areas, COVID never slowed down NDBA. Peyton Manning said, “The most valuable player is theone that makes the most players valuable.” I believe NDBA takes the MVP award for this past year andI couldn’t be more proud of this organization.And that’s what we do – we pursue every opportunity to serve our localbusinesses, ag producers, and individuals, all of whom we call friends.Thank you and God Bless! 12
Rob Nichols President and CEO American Bankers Association nichols@aba.com Washington UpdateTime’s Up: Congress Must the same rigorous regulatory standards as banks when it comes to consumer protection or community reinvestment.Stop Credit Union Purchases These deals are also bad for the credit union industry itself,of Taxpaying Banks as small credit unions are increasingly forced to compete with an expanding cadre of large, growth-oriented firms. Despite all this, credit unions continue to persist in theirAfter tapering off during the pandemic, the trend of credit pursuit of community bank acquisitions, aided and abettedunions buying taxpaying community banks is back – and by the National Credit Union Administration, which wentcredit unions are becoming more aggressive than ever in so far as to attempt to formally codify this process withtheir pursuit of acquisition targets. The first half of 2021 has a proposed rulemaking last year – a step ABA vigorouslyalready seen two precedent-shattering deals: Jacksonville, opposed.Florida-based VyStar Credit Union’s acquisition of a $1.6billion Georgia bank – the largest purchase of a bank by These efforts represent yet another assault on the statutorya credit union to date – and more recently, Iowa-based definition of “credit unions” enshrined in the Federal CreditGreen State Credit Union’s announcement that it would Union Act that has been going on for years. It’s evensimultaneously acquire not one but two community banks been acknowledged at the highest levels of NCUA’s ownin the Midwest. leadership – one need look no further than former NCUA Chairman Mark McWatters’ warning that the agency heAcquisitions like these are a bad deal for taxpayers, a bad once led has become “inappropriately emboldened” anddeal for communities and a bad deal for consumers. has allowed the institutions it is charged with supervisingAt a fundamental level, they erode state and federal tax creep far beyond their statutory boundaries.bases, diverting funds away from important infrastructure It’s time for Congress to step in.projects and other government initiatives. Perhaps evenmore egregiously, in the case of VyStar – which paid an Lawmakers must determine whether these types of80% premium on its acquisition transaction – the firm’s tax- acquisitions and the negative consequences that followexempt status means that American taxpayers effectively meet align with the public policy goals Congress intendedsubsidized the purchase. when it created the credit union tax exemption in the first place.Analysis by the Government Accountability Office showsthat credit unions are now serving more middle- and Until they do, the banking industry must continue to pushupper-income customers, rather than customers of “small back – as it has in states like Iowa and Colorado, wheremeans” – the congressional mandate behind the credit state regulators have determined that local statutes do notunion tax exemption. Rather than focusing on low-to- allow credit unions to acquire state-chartered banks. ABAmoderate-income communities that share a common will continue its advocacy against these types of mergersbond, credit unions are increasingly targeting a wealthier – as we did in a recent letter to the OCC, highlighting theclient base, marketing wealth management services, luxury particular threat they pose to the mutual bank businessgoods financing and commercial banking services. This is model.simply not what credit unions were created to do. We’ll continue to make these arguments loudly and often,Consumers also lose out when credit unions gobble up because we know that when taxpaying banks are overtakencommunity banks, given that credit unions are not held to by tax-exempt credit unions, everyone loses. n 13
North Dakota Bankers AssociationEducation Events For more information regarding these educational opportunities, visit www.ndba.com or contact Dorothy Lick, SVP of Education, North Dakota Bankers Association, 701.223.5303.EVENT DATE LOCATION WHO SHOULD ATTEND?Breaking into June 23 Virtual Live Event via Zoom New credit analysts, lenders, and underwriters, as well as bankers who don’t do credit analysis butBanking 101: need a working knowledge of the process.Fundamentalsof CommercialBankingGroup Meetings September 13-16 Grand Forks, Fargo, Bismarck All NDBA members! and MinotNDBA Bank February Westin Kierland Resort Presidents, CEOs, senior management and 18-19, 2022 Scottsdale, AZ directors.ManagementConference 14
UpcomingBank Webinars NDBA offers convenient bank training and access to timely topics through a variety of webinars.EVENT DATE EVENT DATEProactive Relationship Customer June 28 Best-Ever Compliance Checklists July 8Service for Consumer LoansWalking a Tight Rope: Loan June 29 Call Reporting on Loan Related July 9Requests for Insiders Items - Part 2Diversity & Inclusion in the June 29 Introduction to Commercial July 12Workplace LendingProactive Relationship Customer June 28 The Loyalty Factor: Translating July 13Service Relationships into Non-Interest IncomeSmall Business Lending in a Post- June 30COVID World Opening Fiduciary Accounts July 13CAMELS Rating - Understanding June 30 Top 15 Issues with HMDA July 14the Components Non-Compete Agreements and July 15Escrow Accounts Compliance July 1 Restrictive Covenants: Protecting Your OrganizationAlert! Marijuana and Hemp July 6Accounts - Policy, Procedure and Secrets to Being a Great Call July 15CIP Center AgentExecutive Total Compensation – July 6 Branch Manager Best Practices July 16Strategies to Motivate and Incent Regulation CC: Holds July 20Fair Lending: New Emphasis in July 72021 and What It Means to YourInstitution Troubled Debt Restructuring July 20Problem Loan Workout in Today's July 7 What Directors Need to Know July 21Market About CybersecurityCall Reporting on Loan Related July 8 For more information, visit www.ndba.com andItems - Two Part Series click on “Education” and then “Web Seminars.”Call Reporting on Loan Related July 8Items - Part 1 15
Together, let ’s make it happen. Callie Schlieman Call me at 701.433.7430Based in Fargo, N.D., specializing in bank stock and Regulation O lending Why choose Bell as your bank’s lending partner? We’re providing loans to banks across the country for capitalization, acquisitions, refinancing and restructuring. We’ll tailor terms and conditions to your bank and its owners. Bank stock & ownership loans Business & personal loans for bankers Bank building financing Commercial & ag participation loans 31521 Member FDIC 16
Our EXPERTISE, Your Peace of Mind spent on Mortgage compliance & Save time regulations while still earning revenue Our streamlined process is effective and efficient, making your customer’s journey smooth and painless. lets work together! Call or e-mail Dan to learn why over 100+ partners rely on our mortgage expertise everyday and how we can help you!Dan Van WinkleMortgage Consultant, NMLS 8495701-356-9898 | Dan@firstclasscorp.comwww.firstclasscorp.com NMLS 2520 • Locations in Fargo & Grand Forks 17
CONSULTING | NETWORK SECURITY | IT AUDIT | EDUCATION Rick Olivier | rick.olivier@sbscyber.com 605-270-3321 (call or text) 18
May 24-27, 2021 Radisson Hotel | Bismarck | North DakotaNDBA ComplianceSchool OffersComprehensive TrainingOver 40 bankers participated in the2021 Bank Compliance School May24-27. The four-day program was ledby expert instructors from ComplianceAlliance, an NDBA Endorsed BusinessPartner.Bankers were able to attend in-personor virtually. Participants could alsochoose to attend the Credit ComplianceModule or Operations ComplianceModule or both. We appreciate the feedback! "This provides an excellent opportunity to cover many of the required the lending and operational regulations at one time without having to go to multiple seminars. I look forward to it every time it is offered." "Getting together with peers for discussions and questions that are facilitated by a knowledgeable professional is a great learning experience." "The topics were great! So much information to process. The "I liked being able to take the class in person and then manual is a great resource and I know I'll use it often!" have useful material to retain for future reference." 19
UNCL AIMED PROPERT Y L AW BECOMES EFFECTIVE JULY 1 Coming Soon: New Law Updates on the Unclaimed Proper t y Website!JUNE 30, 2021: Repeal of N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.1 JULY 1, 2021: Effective date of N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.2Adopted in 1985, N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.1 was written to meet the needs of North Dakota property holders and owners andto comply with national standards.But times have changed, and laws adopted more than 35 years ago lack the flexibility needed to function in today’s worldof online business transactions. In response, the North Dakota Department of Trust Lands Unclaimed Property Divisionconducted an extensive three-year review and revision process. With input from key stakeholders, the resulting N.D.C.C. Ch.47-30.2 incorporates: • Changes that will be beneficial to property holders • Efficiencies in administration of the program and and owners • National best practicesWHY CHANGE NOW? EFFECTIVE DATESIn today’s high-tech world, time is money. The revisedCentury Code permits use of electronic notices, reduces theneed for paper checks and mail transactions, and clarifies JUNE 30definitions that delayed and complicated the transfer of property. FY 2021 holder reporting goes through this dateAdoption of N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.2 brings Unclaimed PropertyDivision business transactions into the 21st Century. It identifiestypes of property not available in 1985, such as virtual currency,payroll cards and health savings accounts. JULY 1 FY 2022 new holderThe new law specifies dormancy periods for many types of reporting laws go into effectproperty and places a high priority on information security.It clarifies the process of securing properties from businessesand returning them to the rightful owners. It also conforms withthe 2016 Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (RUUPA), a JULY 1 – OCT. 31movement toward national standardization and simplification of Time period for FY 2021 reportingstate property custody decisions. MONIES MANAGED BY THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL LANDS — INCLUDING UNCLAIMED PROPERTY — NOW COVER 15 PERCENT OF THE COST OF K-12 PUBLIC EDUCATION IN NORTH DAKOTA. UNCL AIMED PROPERT Y L AW 20 BECOMES EFFECTIVE JULY 1
UNCL AIMED PROPERT Y L AWHIGHLIGHTS OF THE NEW CENTURY CODE BECOMESAmong other changes, N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.2: EFFECTIVE JULY 1 • Changes the due date from on Nov. 1 • Addresses confidentiality and security of information to before Nov. 1 • Describes how an unclaimed property administrator • Coming Lowers Soon: the combined New property Law Updates threshold from $50 on the Unclaimed may take custody Proper t y Website! of properties to $25 • Provides the administrator authority to requestJUNE 30, 2021: Repeal of N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.1 JULY 1, 2021: Effective date of N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.2 • Modifies the dormancy period for some types property reports and examine records of property • Details the administrator’s role in depositing funds • Changes requirements for property holders to notify into the Common Schools Trust FundAdopted in 1985, N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.1 was written to meet the needs of North Dakota property holders and owners and apparent owners of abandoned property • Establishes rules for determining if property isto comply with national standards. • Lists the penalties for failure to report, pay or deliver abandoned and which state may take custodyBut timesproperties have changed, and laws adopted more than 35 years ago lack the flexibility • Directs needed for the process to function in unclaimed delivering today’s worldof online businessthe • Governs transactions. In response, enforceability the North of agreements Dakota Department property between of Trust Lands Unclaimed to another state Property Divisionconducted an extensive owners three-year review and revision process. With input from key stakeholders, the resulting N.D.C.C. Ch. and finders47-30.2 incorporates:To view N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.2, visit https://unclaimedproperty.nd.gov/ or email unclaimed@nd.gov • Changes that will be beneficial to property holders • Efficiencies in administration of the program and and ownersUNCLAIMED PROPERTY: FROM HOLDERS TO OWNERS • National best practices In 1975, the North Dakota Legislative Assembly establishedWHY CHANGE NOW? EFFECTIVE DATES an Unclaimed PropertyIn today’s high-tech world, time is money. The revised Division in the NDDTL.Century Code permits use of electronic notices, reduces the Since then –need for paper checks and mail transactions, and clarifies JUNE 30 • $183.6 MILLIONdefinitions that delayed and complicated the transfer of property. FY 2021 holder reporting goes through this date in unclaimedAdoption of N.D.C.C. Ch. 47-30.2 brings Unclaimed Property property has beenDivision business transactions into the 21st Century. It identifies submitted.types of property not available in 1985, such as virtual currency, • $76.5 MILLION inpayroll cards and health savings accounts. JULY 1 property has been FY 2022 new holderThe new law specifies dormancy periods for many types of reporting laws go into effect returned to owners.property and places a high priority on information security. • $107.1 MILLIONIt clarifies the process of securing properties from businesses in property remainsand returning them to the rightful owners. It also conforms with unclaimed.the 2016 Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (RUUPA), a JULY 1 – OCT. 31movement toward national standardization and simplification of Time period for FY 2021• ONE IN SEVEN reporting North Dakotans hasstate property custody decisions. unclaimed property. MONIES MANAGED BY THE BOARD OF UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL LANDS — INCLUDING UNCLAIMED PROPERTY — NOW COVER 15 PERCENT OF THE COST OF K-12 PUBLIC EDUCATION IN NORTH DAKOTA. 21
More than 350 bankers, family Traci Brown led an intriguing session titledmembers and business partners “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire,” which touched ongathered to REIMAGINE, trusting instincts and learning to spot fraud. Her message: “Pay Attention or Pay withREINVENT and REVOLUTIONIZE Pain.” FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliamsin A NEW DIRECTION at the 2021 joined the Convention remotely to discussQuad States Convention held policy issues facing the banking industry.June 14-15 in Rapid City, SD. Virginia Heyburn of Fiserv also connectedThe convention kicked off on Monday, virtually to provide a timely look at openJune 14, with a full day of activities banking. Chris Field of The Mercy Projectincluding a golf tournament, several tours, rounded out the presentations with hisretirement receptions and the convention session on “Disrupting for Good”. Thewelcome party. Tuesday, attendees had a convention concluded Tuesday with afull day beginning with business breakfasts reception and Quad States version of Familyfor all four states. Keynote speaker Gene Feud.Marks of The Marks Group began the Thank you to all the bankers, familyday with his message on Post-COVID members, sponsors and business partnersopportunities and the new administration. who took part in this year’s convention. MarkHomero Bayarena of Franklin Covey your calendars for next year’s conventionspoke on unconscious bias. After lunch, which will be held June 2022 Fargo.New NDBA Officers: Chair-elect, Kathy Torske; Quad States Leadership | L to R: Bill Bickle, MBA Chair;Treasurer, Pete Jahner; and Chairman, Christie Jolene Muscha, NDBA Chair; Steve Bumann, SDBA Chair;Obenauer Tom Bass, WBA Chair. 22
THANK YOU TO THE CONVENTION SPONSORSDIAMOND SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS Bankers Healthcare Group Allied Solutions LLC Eide Bailly LLP American Bankers Association Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Bankers’ Bank of the West First PREMIER Bank/PREMIER Bankcard Bank of North Dakota BankTalentHQPLATINUM SPONSORS Convergint Technologies/Axis Communiations Ascensus Dakota BUSINESS Finance The Baker Group DCN (Dakota Carrier Network) Bankers' Bank of the West Farmer Mac Bell Bank Citibank First Bankers' Banc Securities, Inc. Colliers SecuritiesFirst Interstate Bank Great Western Bank Fiserv Guaranty & Title Co. FranklinCovey HTG Architects IntraFi Network May Adam Midwest Bankers Insurance Services Middaugh Benefits Consulting SBS CyberSecurity NDBA Services, Inc. Secureworks Network Center, Inc. Windsor Mortgage Solutions NFP Executive Benefits Raymond JamesGOLD SPONSORS Serkland Law Firm The Advantage Network/ The First National Bank in Sioux Falls South Dakota Bankers Insurance & Services, Inc. Cain Ellsworth & Company LLP South Dakota Development Corporation Crowley Fleck PLLP South Dakota Housing Development Authority Dacotah Bank Sycorr Marco Technologies The Advantage Network Network Center, Inc. UMB Bank, n.a. United Bankers' Bank U.S. Bank United Bankers’ Bank Wipfli LLP Widmer Roel PC 24
KEEPING YOUR KIDSMENFROM CAN’T IGNORE THE DOCTOR?COVIDIT ANYCONCERNS LONGERKEEPING YOUR KIDSFROM THE DOCTOR?In many ways, the pandemic is hitting kids extra hard.Many children aren’t getting the preventive care they need.AsFor guys, example, we40% want to protect of parents say their ourchildrenpartners, missedscheduledkids and vaccinations communities. in 2020. ButUnderstanding it’s high time the we Monthly wellness materials are part of a comprehensive health and wellness platform,importance of immunizations and following a preventivestartIn many taking ways, better the pandemic care of ourselves. is hitting kids extra hard. BlueElements, which focuses on six dimensions of well-being—physical, social, emotional,care calendar will set the stage for better long-term health. Monthly wellness materials are part of aMany children aren’t getting the preventive care they need. financial, professional and environmental. comprehensive health and wellness platform,WithFor example, a focus40% on of preventive parents saymeasures their children and getting help missed BlueElements, which focuses on six dimensions of well-being—physical, social, emotional,fromwww.BCBSND.comscheduled our vaccinations doctors, we in can 2020. take control of the Understanding our health. financial, professional Monthly wellness and environmental. materials are part of a comprehensive health and wellness platform,importanceBlue of Dakota Cross Blue Shield of North immunizations is an independent licenseeand following of the Blue aAssociation Cross & Blue Shield preventive BlueElements, which focuses on six dimensions of well-being—physical, social, emotional,www.BCBSND.comcare calendar will set the stage for better long-term health.Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.This information is available in alternate formats, free of charge, by calling Member Services at 1-844-363-8457 (toll-free) or through the North Dakota Relay at 1-800-366-6888 or 711.ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-844-363-8457 (TTY: 1-800-366-6888). financial, professional and environmental.ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen, stehen Ihnen kostenlos sprachliche Hilfsdienstleistungen zur Verfügung. Rufnummer: 1-844-363-8457 (TTY: 1-800-366-6888). 29325455 • 1-21 URAC 8.2Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross & Blue Shield Associationwww.BCBSND.comBlue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.This information is available in alternate formats, free of charge, by calling Member Services at 1-844-363-8457 (toll-free) or through the North Dakota Relay at 1-800-366-6888 or 711.ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-844-363-8457 (TTY: 1-800-366-6888). 26ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen, stehen Ihnen kostenlos sprachliche Hilfsdienstleistungen zur Verfügung. Rufnummer: 1-844-363-8457 (TTY: 1-800-366-6888).Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross & Blue Shield Association 29329145 • 5-21 URAC 8.9Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.This information is available in alternate formats, free of charge, by calling Member Services at 1-844-363-8457 (toll-free) or through the North Dakota Relay at 1-800-366-6888 or 711.
NDBA Events ... in person! - North Dakota Bankers Association (2024)


What is the role of the American Bankers Association? ›

As the banking industry continues its rapid transformation, ABA is committed to making sure banks of all sizes stay on the cutting edge of innovation. We actively support and promote technological advancements that make banking services more efficient, convenient and secure.

How many members does the American Bankers Association have? ›

ABA proudly represents banks of all sizes and their 2 million dedicated employees. Unmatched advocacy, expertise, tools and training are waiting for you as a member. Take a closer look.

What issues does the American Bankers Association support? ›

ABA supports commonsense policies that allow banks of all sizes to better serve their customers and communities. Congress, the administration and bank regulators have wide-ranging opportunities to solve marketplace and regulatory issues ranging from innovation, liquidity, student debt, charter flexibility and beyond.

Where is the American Bankers Association headquarters? ›

What is the role of the bankers Association? ›

The CBA's primary purpose is to advocate on behalf of its members, promote a sound banking system, and contribute to the development of public policy.

What did bankers do? ›

A banker works at a bank, credit union or financial institution and assists personal and/or commercial clients with financial questions and needs. This may involve setting up accounts, budget planning or offering financial advice.

Who is the biggest banker in America? ›

Biggest Banks in America
  1. JPMorgan Chase. JPMorgan Chase, or Chase Bank, is the biggest bank in America with nearly $3.4 trillion in assets. ...
  2. Bank of America. ...
  3. Wells Fargo. ...
  4. Citibank. ...
  5. U.S. Bank. ...
  6. PNC Bank. ...
  7. Goldman Sachs Bank. ...
  8. Truist Bank.
Mar 13, 2024

Who is the CEO of the American Bankers Association? ›

Rob Nichols - American Bankers Association | LinkedIn.

Who is the CEO of bankers Association? ›

Anna Bligh is CEO of the ABA, leading a highly experienced and qualified management team.

How are banks taxed? ›

Banks, other than federally-chartered banks exempt from direct state taxation under federal law, are required to pay use tax to the same extent and in the same manner as other persons storing, using, or otherwise consuming tangible personal property in this state.

Who regulates US Bank National Association? ›

National banks and federal savings associations are chartered and regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

How much does American Banker cost? ›

Cancel anytime. Standard membership renews at $1,049/year. Premium membership renews at $1,299/year.

Is the American Bankers Association accredited in the USA? ›

ABA's Professional Certifications are federally registered with the United States Patent & Trademark Office.

Is American Bankers Association a bank? ›

The American Bankers Association (ABA) is a banking trade association with member banks of all sizes. The ABA is a trade organization, which means it does not provide actual banking services or work within the banking system.

How many employees does the American Bankers Association have? ›

American Bankers Association is a Banking, Membership Organizations, and Organizations company_reader located in Washington, District of Columbia with $135.3 million in revenue and 554 employees. Find top employees, contact details and business statistics at RocketReach.

What does boa do? ›

Bank of America is one of the world's leading financial institutions, serving individuals, small- and middle-market businesses, large corporations, and governments with a full range of banking, investment management and other financial and risk management products and services.

What is the role of the BSA in banking? ›

Under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), financial institutions are required to assist U.S. government agencies in detecting and preventing money laundering, such as: Keep records of cash purchases of negotiable instruments, File reports of cash transactions exceeding $10,000 (daily aggregate amount), and.

What is the function of the CIB? ›

Customer service: provide corporate clients with services including inquiry of account authority, inquiry of operator's authority, enterprise information change, inquiry of operator's log, certificates management, online customer service, synchronization of account name, inquiry of foreign exchange rate and etc.

What is the role of the OCC in banking? ›

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is an independent bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The OCC charters, regulates, and supervises all national banks, federal savings associations, and federal branches and agencies of foreign banks.


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