32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (2024)

We’ve all heard the fact that war never changes. Whether or not you agree with this statement (the introduction of laser wielding robots kind of changed the face of war, but whatever) you can understand the sentiment that humans will always be driven to destroy one another. It’s a very heavy concept that plays out as a major theme of Fallout 4, but since it ‘s kind of a bummer to talk about, let’s examine some funny memes instead.

The Fallout series of games is both hyper-realistic and full of inconsistencies, making for some serious comedy gold. One second you are playing on hardcore mode, wondering where you’ll get your next sip of water, then all of a sudden you’ll see a Deathclaw fighting a Mirelurk, and realize you’re in a kind of stupid game. You’ll pause the game to go get a chocolate milk or whatever, and then your brain starts running wild trying to decode the economic system of a world that has just agreed that bottlecaps equal money. Who thought that was a good idea? You don’t just make currency out of stuff you can find on the side of the road, otherwise, it doesn’t actually represent goods and services. Am I the only one who sees that a system like that would never get past the concept stage? Anyways, I’ve talked about that long enough, so here are some of the funniest Fallout 4 comics out there that will help put a bit of levity in a world full of death and radiation.

32 This Ruins My Immersion

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (1)

I never really thought about it before seeing this image, but that’s a very good point, why the heck ARE there scorpions in Boston? I quick bit of research tells me that they are in no way native to that area. Was there a mass exodus of Radscorpions when their food source dried up in their native desert? If so, that is a horrifying image and I’m sorry I thought of it.

I’m not exactly up to snuff about what wildlife is indigenous to Boston, but I’m next to certain scorpions have never been a problem. Wait, are dolphins native to Boston? I don’t think they are, and I see giant dead dolphins everywhere in that game. If I’m wrong, and dolphins actually do frequent the surrounding

Boston area, please feel free to let me know in the comments, because knowledge is power, even if it happens to be useless knowledge you are looking up for the sake of a video game.

31 Be My Valentine

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (2)

Nick Valentine is one cool customer. He’s a robot private detective, which is a word combination so pointlessly awesome I had trouble typing it without wearing a welding mask. The guy even smokes despite not really having lungs. That’s a whole other level of cool, so it’s pretty understandable that you would develop something of a robo-crush on him. I know I did, and I’m emotionally unavailable ever since I saw my significant other get shot in the head.

Unfortunately, Nick will never reciprocate those feelings, since he’s both a robot and disinterested. You are literally from two different worlds in more sense than one. So you may harbor the need to throw in some passive aggressive quips about your unrequited love/lust every now and then. It’s all fine though, he’s lived a long enough life, you definitely aren’t the first person he’s swept off their feet, and you certainly won’t be the last.

30 Get Off Your High Horse

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (3)

Out on the Commonwealth, it is a dog eat dog world. You do what you can to survive, help who you can, kill who you can’t. Sometimes you do things you aren’t proud of, like pick a lock or eat human flesh. But you always do it with the best of intentions, with your eye on the prize, trying to bring this broken world back together and maybe, just maybe, be reunited with your son.

But oh no, the Queen of the moral high ground Piper has to dislike any of the fun stuff you do. Keeping your companions happy can be a huge pain, since it is nigh impossible to play the game to maximum efficiency without annoying someone, so when someone like Piper, whom you barely tolerate, expresses dislike, you feel like this is just someone voicing their opinion when they are lucky they aren’t being looted themselves.

29 You Can't Put A Price On That View

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (4)

The settlers you find throughout the wasteland in Fallout have next to zero self-preservation skills. If you didn’t tell them to plant crops, they’d spend all day sitting in waterlogged furniture. If you didn’t tell them to man the turret, it would be gathering dust while everyone inside the settlement was harvested for organs. But this is one of the rare instances where the idiocy isn’t their fault, it’s yours.

You’re the bonehead that picks the places these people rest their heads at night. You decided that some barely standing shanty in the middle of a bog would be a good place for people to begin their new lives. These folk turned to you, asking for guidance, and you led them into a death swamp. What I’m trying to say here is that you aren’t cut out for this hero business, give it to someone who knows what they are doing, like Hanco*ck.

28 Hanco*ck Does Not Get Told What To Do

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (5)

Hanco*ck was another one of the better companions. The guy just kind of did his own thing, didn’t care what people thought, was somewhat moral but not above having a good time. He was basically all of us, right up to the fact that he wanted to romance everything with two legs. I can respect that in a person, but I respect it even more in a person who looks like a living corpse. Not to mention it takes a special kind of man to pull of a three cornered hat.

Father, on the other hand, your awful son, is something of a wet blanket. He thinks he’s the smartest man on the cinder, and always lets everyone know about it. So seeing him squirm under Hanco*ck’s brazen aloofness is supremely satisfying to me. I’m also interested in the mechanics of how you date someone “harder” as that sounds kind of fun.

27 They Grow Up So Fast

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (6)

Our children are pretty much made to disappoint us. I know I disappointed my folks, I write for a video game website. One minute, you are raising them right, teaching them their multiplication tables and how stealing is wrong, the next thing you know they have baggy jeans and loud music. Where did we go wrong?! So imagine how upset you would be if your son turned into a technocratic megalomaniac in charge of a murderous robot army and some stuck up nerds.

Shaun turned out so poorly, but it isn’t really your fault, you were an absentee parent through no fault of your own. He was stolen out of a freezing tube and raised by violent dorks in a secret lab underneath a bombed out university. If any environment was going to turn a kid into a bad seed, that’s going to be the one. At least he did well in school.

26 This Looks Like A Good Time

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (7)

Deathclaw fighting is obviously one of the best additions to Fallout 4. It’s endless fun to see creatures that you usually run and hide from bending to your will. You can tell me that it’s just two AI bashing the living snot out of each other, but you will never take away the enjoyment I see from my mortal enemies devouring each other.

Within the Fallout 4 universe, however, the whole thing doesn’t make a lick of sense. This is a world where the resource of water is scarce, let alone concrete to build a whole arena. So what kind of reckless individuals would allocate these rarities to indulge in something so frivolous, and quite frankly, dangerous? Oh, of course, it’s Deacon and Hanco*ck, those two would roast popcorn over a nuclear fire. I guess it’s important to still find time to enjoy yourself in the apocalypse. And what’s more fun than Deathclaws with boxing gloves?

25 You Make A Compelling Argument For All Three

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (8)

Fallout 4 offers some seriously weird perks. If you progress far enough, you can get all the powers of a vampire, which is a classic staple of post-apocalyptic fiction, right? You can eat radioactive food, carry more stuff, and inflict way more damage on the opposite gender or even have dominion over wild animals when you look at them. And then, of course, there’s the option to eventually consume the flesh of your enemies, which is rooted somewhat in real life, I guess.

So yeah, eventually some of the choices in the game might be affected by your new perks, such as this funny little adventure where you have the option of going full Pennywise and eating a child right out of the crib. I’m not sure why the programmers thought anyone would ever select that option, but I guess it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

24 Sometimes You Just Need To Say No

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (9)

I can’t believe how many times I fell for this settlement thing. I legitimately thought he was giving me brand new quests the first fifteen times he handed them over. Plus I hadn’t become jaded yet, so I was still invested in the fake lives of these fake people. It was a simpler time, and I was a better man. Preston took that from me, and I will never forgive him for that.

The first few times he came up to you, that was exciting! A new mission! You are saving the day! The world changes around you the longer you spend time in it! And then that look of dawning realization spreads across your face as you realize that the programmers didn’t want the game to feel too empty, so they added repeating missions that have zero impact on the narrative at large. And you fell for it, hook line and sinker.

23 A Truly Tragic Backstory

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (10)

We’ve never been given a solid reason as to why Elder Maxon has such a hate-on for Synths. I mean, outside of the obvious reasons for thebrutality and the thieving and impersonations and what not. But his hatred always seemed to have a personal tinge to it, like he had a run in with a robotic being that left a bad taste in his mouth. This comic seems to know what that run in was, and it wasn’t pretty. In a world where every single toy car you come across gets broken down into parts to build a better baseball bat, that was probably a cherished item. That would be enough for me to declare a world wide vendetta against the entirety of their species.

Also, can we take a moment to talk about how insanely jacked Maxon is? Who knew that sweet jacket was covering up an even sweeter bod?

22 The Hat Got In His Eyes

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (11)

You kind of come to expect your companions to be bad shots. Except Boone from New Vegas, that dude knew how to make every bullet meet its’ target. But this isn’t an article about New Vegas, is it? No, instead we are here to talk about how Preston Garvey couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. But that’s what AI does, it misses, they’re programmed that way. By making everyone so clueless they couldn’t hit water if they fell out of a boat, it makes you seem super human with your ability to look down a barrel before shooting.

What rubs players the wrong way si when Preston decides to chime in with his little inspirational quotes, telling you to “make every shot count.” I’d be able to smile and laugh at his ineptitude with a gun if he didn’t think he was in a position to start giving me gunplay advice.

21 Just Like Every Group Project

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (12)

Do you ever notice how The Minutemen only exist to sort of talk about how great it is to be The Minutemen? They reclaim their own fort, and after that, they just chill there, not helping anyone. They SAY they help people, and you can call them in to help, but if you call them in, they will be corpses in easily ten seconds. The most use you get out of those guys is when you call in the cannon strike, which I’ll admit, is the most fun I have in the entire game.

What The Minutemen are really good at doing is delegating tasks to you, whom they just met. Also, since I’m reforming them, shouldn’t I be at a higher level. As a general, shouldn’t I be the one telling the troops to go rescue a settlement in what is clearly a worthwhile mission and not a waste of time at all?

20 You Aren't Even Pretending To Try!

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (13)

I remember laughing to myself the first time I heard this in the game. I laughed before letting loose a string of curse words that lasted three minutes and took a year off my life. But still, I laughed, because it meant that the programmers knew that you were tired of the settlement mechanic at this point, but they were still trying to jam it down your throat.

This image is funny to me mostly because Preston is sitting in an armchair. He isn’t even putting in the bare minimum effort to bother you at this point. He’s just reclined, knowing that his only job now is to hand you new, worthless assignments, and he’s resigned himself to that fact. He’s at least going to be the most annoying character in the game while comfortable. Neither you nor he wants to keep saving settlements, but it’s what the game wants from both of you.

19 Ooh, Radiation BURN!

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (14)

Companions can be a mixed bag. They provide some dope boons, and the can be fairly useful whenever you get truly overwhelmed in a firefight. But then they open their stupid mouths and criticize your every move. How dare they call this microscope I just found in a puddle “junk” when I can break it down and next thing you know, it’s an explosive lunchbox or something. Or more likely I turned it into useless furniture for a home I’m building, but that’s my business.

What really grinds my gears is that MacCready of all people is not in a place to judge my actions. The guy was literally wasting away in a bar when I found him, not to mention I helped him look after his dying kid or whatever tragic backstory he has (they all have one, get over it.) He’s lucky I don’t take his junky hat and break it down into a new couch cushion.

18 You Hear Something?

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (15)

As if Super Mutants weren’t bad enough, what with being nine feet of solid green muscle, somehow they have members of their clan who really up the crazy factor by running right at you with a bomb that is about to explode. Usually, this isn’t much of a problem, since they run fairly slowly, which gives you plenty of time to either outrun them or shoot the bomb in their hand, which causes a premature explosion, which are never good in any circ*mstance.

When things get tense is when you can hear the bomb in their hand counting down to explosion, but you can’t actually see them. They’re usually right around the corner, and like the best comedians, they time their entrance for the best possible moment, when it’s too late for you to do anything about the fact that they are about to turn you into a soup.

17 I've Got Places To Be!

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (16)

The Commonwealth can be a pretty big place, so we pretty much rely on fast travel to get us to the places we have already found. Maybe we need to unload some loot because you are on the verge of becoming over encumbered. Maybe you have a hot date with Curie that you just can’t be late for. Either way, you need to beat feet and someone, somewhere is stopping you from doing that.

I always hate when the game tells me that there’s something nearby that I can’t see. Heck, I’ll even turn to my companion, who is usually better at detecting this kind of thing than me, and they are off staring at a butterfly or something. So where is it? Then I wander off to try to find the thing and murder it so I can be on my merry way, and all of a sudden I’m fighting Swan.

16 I Fail Half Those Tests Too

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (17)

Since you are reading this article on the internet, I have to assume you have been to other areas of the internet. If that’s the case, you know how many steps websites will go through in order to keep bots out. Seriously, Captcha has gotten so out of control that they will make you pick out fifteen images that have cars in them just to make sure that you aren’t a robot. Where’d all this robot hate come from?

People in the Fallout 4 universe hate robots, or as they call them, Synths, even more than most modern-day websites. They have a lot better reasons, since Synths have the habit of stealing people, killing them and replacing them, but still, they have to keep them out of Diamond City somehow. It’s cute to imagine a world that has hovering robot butlers and laser rifles still relies on a technology that is nothing more than an annoyance in our time.

15 All NPCs Should Be Like Him

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (18)

I have always and will always love the Mysterious Stranger perk. For those of you who don’t know, sometimes you can buy a skill which allows for this random, mysterious dude to just show up and blast your enemies to pieces. There’s no knowing when he will show up, there’s no explanation as to who he is or why he wants to help you, and he is so overpowered that he literally obliterates people with a single shot. Best of all, he has his own mysterious music, and wears a trench coat. Maybe the trench coat doesn’t seem like such a big deal, but this is a world where most people are wearing heavy armor made out of rebar and their enemies bones, and this stylish son of a gun just shows up like it ain’t no thing, as if he isn’t even aware that any bombs fell. He’s been in the games for years and Bethesda has yet to reveal who the heck he is.

14 I'll Fast Travel Back The Way I Came

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (19)

Why would the Deathclaws need a sanctuary? Was there a big Deathclaw poaching ring, and the Deathclaws were becoming scarce? Do people grind up Deathclaw horn as a marital aid, or do they turn them into post-apocalyptic ivory for their wasteland pianos? You know what needs a sanctuary? People. People need a sanctuary where they are free to run around in the open air without being consumed by a Deathclaw.

Whenever I come across one of these areas in a Fallout game, I hit save right away before I brave going inside. I’m usually torn limb from limb within the first 45 seconds of exploring, but that pain is nothing to the pain of not knowing what was in there. The answer was instant death, sure, but I got an answer, and knowing is half the battle. A battle I lost, badly, very badly, I admit, but still, failure is the best teacher.

13 Hanco*ck Has Zero Chill

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (20)

You gotta love when the important characters interact in Fallout. You’ll have Danse, who seriously hates anything that isn’t strictly human, despite being a synth himself (spoilers) and you have Hanco*ck, who has never cared a single iota about what people think of him. What Hanco*ck DOES care about, though, is who he is attracted to, which is just about anyone interesting. And I’d have to put Danse in both the interesting and handsome category. So there may be some one-way sparks flying in this matchup.

I also love that this comic somehow depicted Hanco*ck as sweating despite most of his flesh being irradiated beyond repair. Dude doesn’t have a nose, but his sweat glands get kicked into overdrive whenever he’s obviously trying to hide a forbidden attraction. Wait, is this how steamy fan fiction starts? And now that I think about it, is Danse blushing in that picture?

32 Hilarious Fallout 4 Memes Only True Fans Will Understand (2024)


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