2024 AAA Driver's Ed How to Drive Chapter 6 Test Answers (2024)

AAA How To Drive: Traffic laws and rules of the road

True or false? Each state has its own laws regarding use and ownership of motor vehicles.
B.) false, the federal government passes these laws for all states
C.) true, but they are all exactly the same for every state
D.) false, there are no such laws

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Administrative laws enable:
A.) the governor of the estate to control the positioning of traffic lights
B.) state officials to control their highway transportation system
C.) state officials to use traffic fines to fund public education
D.) the legislative branch to set speed limits

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state officials to control their highway transportation system

A driver's license:
A.) Gives an individual permission to operate a motor vehicle on public highways
B.) Serves to verify each driver's knowledge of the laws that govern the use of motor vehicles on public roadways
C.) Can be taken away by the state
D.) All of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

A driver's license:
A.) is owned by the state,
B.) can be suspended for traffic offenses,
C.) can be revoked for dangerous driving
D.) all of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

A driver license is issued to a person that:
A driver's license is issued to a person that:
A.) has demonstrated knowledge of traffic laws
B.) has demonstrated the ability to properly operate a vehicle
C.) both A and B are correct
D.) neither A nor B is correct

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both A and B are correct

Driver's licenses are issued by
Driver licenses are issued by:
A.) country or parish officials
B.) the state government
C.) the federal government
D.) the city officials

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the state government

Driver licenses are:
A.) Issued by county or parish officials.
B.) Issued by the state government.
C.) Issued by the city officials.
D.) Issued by the federal government.

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Issued by the state government.

Drivers may show proof of financial responsibility by:
A.) possessing automobile liability insurance
B.) depositing bonds or other securities with the state
C.) depositing cash in a required amount with the state
D.) all of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

A certificate of motor vehicle title:
A.) Demonstrate proof of vehicle registration
B.) Gives an individual permission to operate a motor vehicle on public highways
C.) Demonstrates proof of financial responsibility
D.) Demonstrates proof of ownership

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Demonstrates proof of ownership

Which principle, with respect to right-of-way, is NOT correct?
A.) the purpose of right-of-way laws is to prevent conflicts resulting from one driver failing to yield to another
B.) the right-of-way is taken, not given
C.) a driver has not yielded the right-of-way when other drivers are forced to slow or wait
D.) Whoever has the last clear chance to avoid a collision has an obligation to do so

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the right-of-way is taken, not given

The primary reason for the use of traffic laws is:
A.) To generate revenue for road maintenance
B.) To assign fault when crashes occur
C.) To regulate the use of fossil fuels and protect the environment
D.) To prevent traffic crashes and promote the orderly flow of traffic

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To prevent traffic crashes and promote the orderly flow of traffic

Drivers involved in a collision must show proof of their ability to pay for any damages:

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If you drive through a posted school zone 20 to 25 miles over the posted speed, you may be charged with:
A.) careless driving
B.) speeding
C.) reckless driving
D.) tailgating
E.) none of the above

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Reckless driving

Under what condition(s) can a driver be charged with reckless driving?
Under which condition(s) can a driver be charged with reckless driving?
A.) the driver intentionally drives in a dangerous manner
B.) the driver knows he/she is placing others at risk
C.) the conditions make the increase in risk obvious
D.) all of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

Which of the following situations describes reckless driving behavior?
Which of the following is related to reckless driving behavior?
A.) A driver intentionally drives recklessly.
B.) A driver knows his or her actions will create a significant risk.
C.) Conditions make the risk obvious and serious.
D.) all of the above are correct

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all of the above are correct

If you are facing a steady red signal light you should:
When you are facing a steady red light and wish to continue straight ahead, you should
A.) stop
B.) stop then proceed with caution
C.) slow then proceed with caution
D.) none of the above is correct

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Although each state may differ slightly, generally drivers are required to stop when they encounter a school bus that is:
A.) Loading children
B.) Unloading children
C.) Stopped with lights flashing
D.) All of the above are correct

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All of the above are correct

All drivers are required to exercise due care to avoid a collision except:
All drivers are required to exercise due caution to avoid a collision except:
A.) when they have the right of way
B.) when the traffic light is green
C.) when they are turning right
D.) there are no exceptions

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there are no exceptions

A study conducted by the Federal Highway Administration shows that on average
A.) all drivers stop at stop signs
B.) more than half of drivers stop at stop signs
C.) fewer than half of drivers stop at stop signs
D.) stop signs are the most often stolen sign

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fewer than half of drivers stop at stop signs

When two drivers approach or enter an intersection from different intersection roads at about the same time, who should yield the right-of-way?
A.) the driver that is the oldest
B.) the driver on the left
C.) the driver with the newest vehicle
D.) the first driver to slow should yield the right of way

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the driver on the left

When two drivers approach or enter an intersection from different roads at about the same time, who is supposed to yield the right-of-way:
If two drivers on crossing paths arrive at a 4-way STOP sign intersection at the same time, who should yield to who?
A.) the driver that is oldest should yield the right-of-way,
B.) the driver on the left should yield the right-of-way,
C.) the driver with the newest vehicle must yield the right-of-way,
D.) the first driver to slow should yield the right-of-way.

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The driver on the left should yield the right-of-way to the driver on the right

True/False: When two vehicles approach an intersection, the driver on the right should yield right-of-way to the driver on the left

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Rules of the Road are in effect only when signs, signals or markings are posted
"Rules of the Road" are in effect only when signs, signals or markings are posted.

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When approaching an emergency vehicle on the right side of the road, you should:
A.) stop immediately,
B.) move at least one lane to the left,
C.) turn on your lights,
D.) reduce your speed to 5 miles below the speed limit

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Move at least one lane to the left

When approaching an emergency vehicle on the left side of the road, you should:
A.) stop immediately,
B.) move at least one lane to the left,
C.) turn on your lights,
D.) reduce your speed to 5 miles below the speed limit

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move at least one lane to the right

When you approach a stop sign you should:
A.) stop at the intersection
B.) slow and proceed with caution if you can see all approaching traffic
C.) stop only if there is approaching traffic from another direction
D.) none of the above

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stop at the intersection

When you are turning, you should:
A.) have the right of way if you use your turn signal
B.) use extra caution and yield the right of way to other drivers
C.) yield only to pedestrians in the crosswalk
D.) only turn at signal controlled intersections

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yield only to pedestrians in the crosswalk

When giving hand and arm signals to indicate your vehicle's movement, you should:
A.) use you right arm and hand
B.) use your left arm and hand
C.) use your right arm and hand when indicating a right turn and your left when indicating a left turn or slow/stop
D.) never use your arms and hands to signal your intentions

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use your left arm and hand

___________ laws are designed to help drivers understand who should be granted the privilege of proceeding first, when more than one vehicle approaches an intersection at about the same time.
______ laws are designed to help drivers identify who may proceed first when more than one vehicle approaches an intersection at approximately the same time.
A.) Reckless driving
B.) Right of Way
C.) Right of Space
D.) Emergency vehicle

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Right of Way

True/False: On a two way left turn, you can make a left turn from any lane

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Most states have blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits of ___ percent for drivers underage 21.
Most states have a blood concentration limits of ____ percent for drivers under the age of 21
Most states have Zero Tolerance blood-alcohol concentration limits of _________ percent for drivers under the age of 21.
A.) 0.04 to 0.08
B.) 0.08 to 0.10
C.) 0.00 to 0.02
D.) 0.02 to 0.08

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0.00 to 0.02

Drivers that refuse to take a test to determine the presence of drugs and/or alcohol in their system,
A.) Can only be given a warning ticket
B.) Will be allowed to drive home
C.) Can't be arrested for DWI/DUI
D.) Can lose their license

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Can lose their license

What is the primary cause of suspension or revocation of a driver's license?
A) Stealing vehicles
B.) traffic offenses
C.) driving large vehicles
D.) owning too many vehicles

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Traffic offenses

Explain three ways drivers and vehicle owners can demonstrate proof of financial responsibility
Describe three ways in which drivers and vehicle owners can demonstrate proof of financial responsibility.
1. Maintain/possess automobile liability-insurance coverage
2. deposit money in the amount required by the state
3. deposit bonds or other securities sufficient to meet the state's requirements ( title to property, stock certificate)

List four principles of right-of-way.
1. The purpose is to prevent conflicts resulting from one driver failing to yield to another
2. The right-of-way is always given; it's not something a highway users should take for granted
3. To be granted the right-of-way, driver must be driving in lawful manner. In other words, a driver cannot take the right-of-way by breaking another law
4. A driver has not yielded the right-of-way if they force other highway users to slow or wait.
However, though there may be no legal requirement to yield to a driver engaging in an illegal driving maneuver, all drivers have a responsibility to yield the right-of-way in order to prevent a collission. A driver has not yielded the right of way if he or she forces other road users to change their speed, direction, and/or position. Regardless of which driver should yield, based on the rules of the road, whoever has the last clear chance to avoid a collision is obligated to do so.

Explain the procedure for responding to an approaching emergency vehicle
1. When an emergency vehicle approaches all other drivers should drive to a position parallel to or as close as possible to the right hand edge of the road, clear of an intersection and should stop and remain in position until the vehicle has passed.
2. The driver should safely change lanes depending on which lane the emergency vehicle is approaching. You should also reduce your speed to at least 20 mph below the limit if changing lanes is not safe and be sure to warn drivers behind you.

Explain the difference(s) between aggressive driving and road rage.
1. Aggressive driving is generally defined as behaviors that indicate an aggressive mindset but are not necessarily directed toward another specific driver. Examples include speeding, running red lights, changing lanes suddenly or without signaling/following too closely.
2. Road rage typically is defined as behaviors that are directed at specific vehicles or occupants with malicious intent. Examples include ramming, side swiping, throwing objects, verbal attacks, battery, rude or obscene gestures, and discharging firearms, etc.

Explain the conditions under which a driver can be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
Describe the conditions under which a driver can be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
1. When a driver is stopped for cause and their BAC tests show BAC is at or above .08% they can be charged with DWI or DUI.
When a driver operating a motor vehicle on a public road with a blood alcohol concentration BAC at or above the legal limit such as 0.05% or 0.08%, depending on the state, that person can be charged with driving while intoxicated DWI or driving under the influence( DUI).
2. Courts generally accept tests on blood, breath or urine to determine BAC and alternately results of Standard Field Sobriety Tests.
If a drivers BAC tests at or above .08%, that person can be charged with DWI or DUI. Courts except tests of blood, breath or urine to determine the BAC. The results of standardized Field sobriety tests may also be excepted as evidence. A driver could also be charged at any BAC level if they are found to exhibit loss of normal use of mental/ physical faculties (as a result of alcohol or other drugs).

2024 AAA Driver's Ed How to Drive Chapter 6 Test Answers (2024)


How many questions is the drivers ed final exam in Maryland? ›

How many questions does the final exam in the Maryland online drivers ed course have? The Driver Ed To Go exam has 40 questions that are designed to ensure that you have learned all that you need to know so as to pass the licensing exam.

When two drivers approach or enter an intersection from different intersecting roads at about the same time, who should yield the right-of-way? ›

(b) (1) When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at the same time, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on his or her immediate right, except that the driver of any vehicle on a terminating highway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle on the ...

Are all drivers required to exercise do care to avoid a collision except? ›

"Rules of the road" are in effect only when signs, signals or markings are posted. All drivers are required to exercise due care to avoid a collision except: there are no exceptions.

How many times can you fail the Maryland driver's test? ›

If you fail the skills test, you may retake the test: First failure - one (1) day later, (depending on test appointment availability); or. Second or subsequent failure - One (1) week (7 days minimum) later, (depending on test appointment availability)

Is the Maryland driving test hard? ›

There are only two states where it is harder to get a driver's license than in Maryland, according to the study. Drivers over the age of 18 must have a learner's permit for a minimum of 18 months, license fees are only $9 and applicants can take three passes at the test, which requires 85 percent proficiency.

Which lane is safest when traveling straight through traffic and past exits? ›

Here are some tips for choosing a lane: Use the left lane to pass or turn left. Use the right lane to enter or exit traffic or when you enter the road from a curb or shoulder.

How many seconds ahead of an intersection should the driver scan? ›

Know what to look for. Picture the path of travel. Look down the middle. Look far ahead Search 20 to 30 seconds ahead.

What should you do if you arrive at an unmarked intersection at the same time as another motorist and are unsure who has the right of way? ›

If you reach an uncontrolled intersection at close to the same time, the vehicle who actually reached the intersection last is the driver who must yield the right of way. If you reach the intersection at the same time, the driver on the left should yield the right of way.

Who has the right of way uphill? ›

If two vehicles meet on a steep narrow road and neither vehicle can pass, the vehicle facing uphill has the right-of-way. The vehicle facing downhill has more control when backing up the hill. The vehicle facing downhill should back up until the vehicle going uphill can pass.

When entering a traffic circle, you should? ›

When entering a traffic circle, you must yield to traffic already in the circle. Enter the right hand lane if you intend to leave at the first exit. Enter left lane if you are proceeding to the second exit or beyond. When driving in a circle, the vehicle on the right must yield to the vehicle on the left.

When you are turning, you should what? ›

Always signal when you turn, change lanes, slow down, or stop. You can signal using your vehicle's signal lights or using hand-and-arm positions. If your signal lights are not functioning, or bright sunlight makes your signal lights hard to see, use the hand-and-arm signals shown in the image below.

What are the two only skills a driver can do to avoid a collision? ›

Safe Driving Tips to Help Avoid Collisions
  • Focus on Driving – It is so important for drivers to be 100% focused on the road at all times. ...
  • Drive Defensively – One of the most significant dangers on the road is other drivers!

What are the three options to avoid a collision? ›

Depending on the situation, you can do one of these 3 things to prevent a collision: stop, steer away or speed up.

What are three tools a driver has to avoid collisions? ›

To avoid colliding with a vehicle in front, look well ahead for hazards, brake lights, and turn signals; and always maintain sufficient distance between you and the vehicle in front so that you have enough room to stop safely.

What is the passing score for the driving test in Maryland? ›

​You are allowed a maximum of 20 minutes to complete the driver's knowledge test and a score of 88% or better is required to pass.

How many questions are on the Maryland driver's improvement test? ›

The test is comprised of 20 multiple choice questions. Before you move on to the test questions, you will need to print out the test answer sheet.

How many questions are on the Maryland written driving test? ›

Each test includes 25 questions – just like the real knowledge test. You can take the untimed version of the test as many times as you need. Link directly to the Maryland Driver's Manual to study each topic. Take the timed version to ​see if you can pass it within the 20 minutes allowed.

How long is drivers ed in Maryland? ›

New drivers must complete a Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) approved Driver's Education Course consisting of a minimum of thirty (30) hours classroom instruction and six (6) hours behind the wheel instruction training.


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.