1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (2024)

Developmental biology - understanding the mechanisms that control embryo development

  • Understanding which genes are turned on when which are turned off & how its regulated


Gene expression - genes that are actively transcribing mRNA

Genetic equivalence - genetic material in almost all cells is the same - exception is immune cells that have more variation in their DNA for generating antibodies

Evidence = Sir John Burden 1960s - nucleus of a frog's oocyte replaced with nucleus from gut cell - tadpoles can still be produced

  • Different distinct cell phenotypes occur because only a proportion of the genes are expressed (eg. neurons, pancreatic)

Somatic cells:

  • Cells of the body

  • Limited life

Germ line cells:

  • Cells for reproduction

  • Immortal

  • Female - oocytes

  • Male - sperm


  • Oocyte and sperm cells generated from primordial germ cells

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (1)


  • Meiosis

  • Haploid DNA content

  • Large gamete


  • Meiosis

  • Small motile gamete

  • Haploid DNA

Mammalian development

  • Most development knowledge comes from studying mice - easy to manipulate

Monotremes - lay eggs

Marsupials - shorter gestation, immature young

Placentals - placentas, more mature when born than marsupials

Mouse embryo development:

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (2)

  • Human embryos don't undergo the elongation - they remain as a flat disc

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (3)

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (4)

Why don't all the epiblast cells become primordial germ cells?

  • Cell signalling

  • Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) - signalling molecules secreted from extraembryonic tissue

  • BMP4 acts on cells in the epiblast that its most closely in contact with - it triggers the cells to become PGCs

  • High levels of BMP4 are needed for th

BMP4 receptors:

  • Transmembrane proteins

  • Extracellular part is where the BPM4 binds

  • Binding causes phosphorylation in cytoplasmic part - leads to cascade - new genes in the nucleus are turned on

How do we know this?

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (5)

Cells from the top of the epiblast were transferred and transplanted to the region closest to the extraembryonic tissues

These cells are exposed to high enough levels of BMP4 to become PGCs

  • Shows that fate of the epiblast cells depends on their position in the embryo

  • Differentiation of PGCs is controlled by the environment

Migration of PGCs:

Mechanism of their migration not fully understood

  • They’re generated in the epiblast on day 6-7

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (6)

  • Day 8 - migration into the gut

  • Day 11 - enter the genital ridges (tissue that gives rise to ovaries and testes)

6PGCs at the start - around 5000 when they enter the genital ridges

Differentiation into sperm or oocytes?

  • PGCs in female genital ridge are committed to an oocyte fate and vice versa

  • XY PGCs in a foetal ovary will develop as oocytes

  • XX PGCs in foetal testis will develop as sperm

Anne McLaren

  • Worked on PGC differentiation

  • - suggested that retinoic acid is important (metabolite of vitamin A)

  • IVF - showed the possibility to fertilise mouse oocytes in vitro to generate viable embryos

Retinoic acid signalling:

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (7)

Retinoic acid:

  • Metabolite of vitamin A

  • Lipophilic - easily passes over the cell membrane

  • Important in stages of embryonic development by regulating gene expression

  • Potent

  • Present in female and male foetal gonads

  • Needed for PGCs to become oocytes

  • Male gonad cells express enzyme cytochrome P450 which degrades RA - inhibits oocyte differentiation

  • If XY PGCs are removed from the male gonad and placed in female gonad:

RA levels in environment increase, RA induces PGCs into oocytes

  • If XX PGCs are placed in male gonad - presence of cytochrome P450

RA degraded - PGCs differentiate into sperm

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (8)

→ sperm

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (9)

→ oocyte

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (10)

  • Absence of retinoic acid - staining shows retinoic acid binding proteins on the outer area of the cell

  • Presence of retinoic acid - rapid translocation of the protein into the nucleus


  • Production of mature sperm cells from PGCs

  • Continuous and prolific

  • Occurs in seminiferous tubules of the testes

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (11)

  1. In male gonad, PGCs give rise to stem cells called spermatogonial sperm cells (SSCs)

  2. SSCs generate more SSCs and differentiate to form primary spermatocytes

  3. Primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis to become secondary spermatocytes

  4. Secondary spermatocytes give rise to spermatids

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (12)

  • SSC proliferation and differentiation needs to be tightly controlled

  • Too MUCH proliferation could lead to formation of a tumour

  • Too LITTLE proliferation and too MUCH differentiation could deplete the SSC population - leading to male infertility

Function of sperm components:

Acrosome - derived from golgi, contains enzymes that digest proteins and sugars; these enzymes are required to lyse the outer coverings of egg

Nucleus - contains haploid number of chromosomes

Midpiece - contains mitochondria that produce the energy (ATP) required for motility

Flagellum - required for propulsion, motor portion of the flagellum is the axoneme

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (13)


  • Development of mature oocytes from PGCs

  • Occurs in ovaries

  • Begins in the embryo with the differentiation with the PGCs - to stem cells called oogonia

  • Oogonia multiply by mitosis and begin meiosis - stops at prophase 1 - primary oocytes

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (14)

  • Primary oocytes remain arrested in prophase 1 until puberty

  • Each month follicle stimulating hormones trigger division of some of the primary oocytes

  • First mitotic division produces uneven sized cells - one is secondary oocyte, one is polar body

  • Secondary oocyte begins second mitotic division but is arrested in metaphase 2

  • If fertilised by sperm - complete second division - gives rise to 2nd polar body

  • Once meiosis 2 is complete - nucleus of ovum fuses with sperm nucleus - forms a zygote

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (15)

Structure of oocyte:

Nucleus - nucleus of mature oocyte is arrested in 2nd metaphase

Zona pellucida - thich extracellular matrix that binds sperm

Cumulus - layer of ovarian follicular cells surrounding oocyte, layer adjacent to zona called corona radiata

Cytoplasm - contains proteins, ribosomes, tRNA, mRNA

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (16)


  1. Attraction and activation of sperm by contents of female reproductive tract

  • Different regions of tract secrete molecules that attract and affect sperm motility

  • In some mammals, sperm becomes hyperactivated in the oviduct

  • Ovarian follicle may secrete chemo-attractants that attract sperm towards oocyte

  1. Binding of sperm to zona pellucida

  • Binding is species specific eg. mouse sperm only bind to oocyte that contain ZP3 glycoprotein on their surface

  1. Release of enzyme from acrosome to lyse hole in zona

  • Eg. in mice - acrosomal reaction triggered by cross linking of proteins on sperm surface to ZP3

  • Enzymes released to make hole in zona so sperm can reach plasma membrane of the ovum

  • Passage of sperm through zona

  • Plasma membranes of sperm and ovum fuse

  • Sperm nucleus enters

  1. Fusion of sperm and oocyte pronuclei

  • Sperm entry - female pronucleus stimulated to complete its 2nd meiotic division

  • Chromatin of male pronucleus uncoils

  • Each pronucleus migrates towards the other

  • Two nuclear envelopes break down

  • Chromosomes orientate themselves on the mitotic spindle - creating a zygote

→ female and male pronuclei are not equivalent

  • Some genes are imprinted and only expressed from either maternal or paternal chromosome

  • Hydatiform mole - only has male chromosomes - mass of placenta like cells - embryo doesn't develop - can give rise to tumours

  • Parthenogenetic embryos - only has female chromosomes - sometimes has organs - chaotic development and embryo becomes grossly disorganised

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation Notes | Knowt (17)

Prevention of polyspermy:

  • After fusion - cortical reaction occurs

  • Egg releases enzymes that harden zona pellucida so no more sperm can penetrate

  • Mice - enzymes modify ZP3 so oocyte can't bind to sperm

1-Germ cell development, gametogenesis and fertilisation

 Notes | Knowt (2024)


What is a short note on gametogenesis? ›

gametogenesis, in embryology, the process by which gametes, or germ cells, are produced in an organism. The formation of egg cells, or ova, is technically called oogenesis, and the formation of sperm cells, or spermatozoa, is called spermatogenesis.

What is the process of gametogenesis and fertilization? ›

Gametogenesis combines two important features: reduction of the genome content from diploid to haploid by carefully partitioning chromosomes, and the subsequent differentiation into fertilization-competent gametes, which in males is characterized by profound nuclear restructuring.

What is gametogenesis pdf? ›

Gametogenesis is a biological process by which diploid or haploid precursor cells undergo cell division and differentiation to form mature haploid gametes. The existence of a multicellular, haploid phase in the life cycle between meiosis and gametogenesis is also referred to as alternation of generations.

What is germ cell gametogenesis? ›

Gametogenesis is the process by which precursor germ cells undergo division, meiosis, and differentiation to form mature haploid gametes. In mammals and insects, female gametes are encapsulated by supporting somatic cells to package the fundamental units of female reproduction.

What is a germ cell? ›

(jerm sel) A cell that develops into a reproductive cell, which is an egg in females and a sperm in males.

What is fertilization in biology? ›

Fertilization is defined as the union of two gametes. During fertilization, sperm and egg fuse to form a diploid zygote to initiate prenatal development. In mammals, fertilization involves multiple ordered steps, including the acrosome reaction, zona pellucida penetration, sperm–egg attachment, and membrane fusion.

What is the long answer to fertilization? ›

Fertilization is the process in which a new cell is formed when two gametes (sex cells) –sperm and ova fuse together. During this unbiased event, all genetic information is transferred from both the parents to their child and the gender of the child is determined.

Where does fertilization occur? ›

Fertilization usually takes place in a fallopian tube that links an ovary to the uterus. If the fertilized egg successfully travels down the fallopian tube and implants in the uterus, an embryo starts growing.

What is an example of gametogenesis? ›

Depending on the biological life cycle of the organism, gametogenesis occurs by meiotic division of diploid gametocytes into various gametes, or by mitosis. For example, plants produce gametes through mitosis in gametophytes. The gametophytes grow from haploid spores after sporic meiosis.

What are the two types of gametogenesis? ›

Spermatogenesis and oogenesis are both forms of gametogenesis, in which a diploid gamete cell produces haploid sperm and egg cells, respectively.

What is the conclusion of gametogenesis? ›

Conclusion. The formation of gametes from haploid progenitor cells is known as gametogenesis. In the male, the gametogenesis is called spermatogenesis, and in the female, it is called oogenesis. Spermatogenesis is the development of haploid sperm from the germ cells in the seminiferous tubules present in the testes.

What are examples of germ cells? ›

Germ cells are cells that create reproductive cells called gametes. Germ cells are located only in the gonads and are called oogonia in females and spermatogonia in males. In females, they are found in the ovaries and in males, in the testes. During oogenesis, germ cells divide to produce ova, or eggs, in females.

Why are germ cells important? ›

In this sense, germ cells are the stem cells of the species, since they give rise to organisms rather than organs. They are the means by which species form and change in evolution. In humans (as well as other animals), they are also the vehicles for inherited diseases.

What are germ cells in reproduction? ›

A germ cell is any cell that gives rise to the gametes of an organism that reproduces sexually. In many animals, the germ cells originate in the primitive streak and migrate via the gut of an embryo to the developing gonads.

Which statement best describes gametogenesis? ›

Answer. Answer: Gametogenesis is the process by which gametes (sex cells) are formed.

What is the definition of gametogenesis quizlet? ›

What is gametogenesis? Gametogenesis is the process of meiosis that converts germ cells into mature male and female gametes.

What are the three types of gametogenesis? ›

Gametogenesis Overview
Spermatogenesisgametogenesis in males
Oogenesisfemale gametogenesis
Angiosperms (flowering plants)develop ova and sperm
Pollen grains(in plants) male gametes develop inside
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